Backing Tracks 8


Backing music is never easy to find, and often overly expensive. We have put together a library of backing tracks which are Royalty free so you do not have to pay again to use them (no ongoing fees), and cover a wide range of musical styles. The list below gives you a rough idea as to what each track is like, and you can preview them at the end of the list.

The tracks are delivered to you on CD as high quality MP3 files for use in portable sound systems or to transfer to CD.

This CD features 121 tracks ranging in length and style (Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Funk, Electronic, & Moods).

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9 in stock

Backing Tracks 8


Backing music is never easy to find, and often overly expensive. We have put together a library of backing tracks which are Royalty free so you do not have to pay again to use them (no ongoing fees), and cover a wide range of musical styles. The list below gives you a rough idea as to what each track is like, and you can preview them at the end of the list.

The tracks are delivered to you on CD as high quality MP3 files for use in portable sound systems or to transfer to CD.

This CD features 121 tracks ranging in length and style (Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Funk, Electronic, & Moods).

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9 in stock


